1 skein of Any kind of Baby Sport Yarn
Size 6 needles
Stitch Holders (or large safety pins)
3 buttons
K Knit
P Purl
St stitch
BO bind off
K2tog Knit 2 stitches together
YO Yarn over
Cast on 40 sts. Work 3 rows in garter st. ( K each row).
Work in stockinette st ( K 1 row, P 1 row) until work is 4", ending on P side.
Cast on 18 sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
Next row: K across.
Next row: K 2, P across to last 2 sts, K 2.
Repeat these 2 rows until sleeve measures 2 1/2 inches, ending on P side.
BO 18 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows.
Next row: K 2tog across to end of row.
BO 4 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Put remaining 12 sts on stitch holder.
Cast on 20 sts. Work 3 rows in garter stitch.
Next row: K across.
Next row: P across to last 3 sts, K3
Continue last 2 rows until work measures 1".
Next row: K1, YO, K 2tog, (buttonhole), K across.
Continue in stockinette stitch until work is 4" ending on P side. **after you have
9 ridges from 1st buttonhole, make another buttonhole.
Cast on 18 sts beginning of next row. (make sure this is not the side with the
Next row:K 2, P across to last 3 sts, K3. (continue front edge)
K until sleeve measures 2 ½ inches. Add another buttonhole when you have 9
ridges from last buttonhole. Make sure front measures equally to the back.
BO 18sts, P across.
Next row: K2tog across to end of row. (10 sts)
Next row: BO 4 sts, P 4, K2 (6 sts) Place on stitch holder.
Cast on 20 sts. Work 3 rows in garter stitch.
Next row: K across.
Next row: K 3 sts, P across.
Continue these 2 rows until work measures 4" ending P side.
Cast on 18 sts beginning next row.
Next row: K across.
Next row: K 3, P across to last 2 sts, K2.
Continue these 2 rows until piece measures 2 1/2 inches. (make sure to compare
size to the left front)<>
BO 18sts, K across.
Next row: K3, P across.
Next row: K2tog across to end of row (10 sts)
Next row: K2, P across.
Next row: BO 4sts, work to end. (6 sts) Place these sts on stitch holder.
With right sides facing you, place right front, back, left front (24 sts) on needle.
Right side facing you, K across.
Next row: P across.
Next row: Increase 1 sts in each stitch. (48 sts)
Keeping 1st and last 3 sts in garter stitch, work in stockinette stitch until hood
measures 4". BO all 48 sts.
Fold hood in half at BO sts. Sew seam for hood.
Sew sleeves and side seams.
Add buttons for the buttonholes.
Crochet chain stitch for 10" (make 2 of these) for a cord to be attached at each side of the hood . Tie in a bow.
Cast on 40 sts. Rib 4 rows in k1, p1.
Continue to work in stockinette stitch until total length is 4". Increase 1 st both
sides at knit row for 3 times. ( 46 sts) Work even in stockinette stitch until length
from last increase stitch is 4", ending in P row.
Next row: K1, K2tog, *K3, K2tog, repeat from * across. Place on stitch holder.
Work as right leg.
When you reach the last row, place right leg stitches on the needle, making sure K
sides are correct.
With all stitches for left left, right leg, (knit side facing you) P across.
Next row: P across.
Next row: (knit side facing you) K1, *YO, K2tog, across to last st, K1. (eyelet
Next row: P across.
Next row. P across.
BO all stitches.
Sew center front seam to match up the last increase stitch. Now do the back seam to match up to last increase stitch. (this will take you now to the crotch area) With the piece facing you, now sew the leg seams.
Make a crochet chain approximately 30". Weave chain through the eyelet stitches of the waistband. Make sure each side is even, tie a bow.